Thursday, September 28, 2006


It seems just like yesterday when my friend, Chris (who is my voice of sanity as he keeps me grounded) came back from Rome. Now it is time for him to return to Rome to continue with his theological studies. I had assumed that I would have a lot of time to catch up with Chris seeing that he was back for 2 and a half months but unfortunately it was not to be. Ah well, at the very least I managed to spend one lovely Sunday afternoon at his home, one hot and sunny Saturday in Port Dickson where he was conducting a youth camp and at the Feast of Santa Cruz in Malim, Melaka. Seeing Chris in a church environment was like seeing him in his element. He remains the same person he was and his sense of humour is still alive and kicking! Well Chris, take care and look forward to seeing you next year!
October seems to be the month for some event or other. On the 1st day of October itself will see my friends and fellow Disciple course mates having our gathering to celebrate the birthdays of those born in October as well as a belated birthday for another whose birthday was in September.
5th October sees me at the National Registration Department in Putrajaya for the marriage registration of some good friends. They have asked my husband and me to be their witnesses and we readily agreed as the friendship we share transcends the normal bonds of friendship.We have known the groom since the early nineties and the bride since the late nineties. Then on 14th October, we will be having a dinner party for the bride's birthday at our home.
Come October 21st it would be a year since my father-in-law passed on. These past few months since his death both hubby and I just miss him. We did not celebrate Chinese New Year in Melaka as we didn't want to in respect of Dad and his passing seems to have left a huge void in the house he called home. These days I go back to the in-law's house, I tend to keep more to myself and keep an eye on my hyperactive 2 year old. I no longer enjoy going back there as the sibling rivalry has spilled over to some of the wives trying to out do each other in keeping up with the Jones'!
October 26th.....Patricia's 6th birthday. One of the few days in the year where I totally stop functioning and just about fall to pieces. It has not been getting any easier as each year passes. Some say that time heals all and that the pain lessens with each passing year. I can empathically say that it is not true. Depending on the circumstance and event, the memories would just come unbidden. Like when I see a six year old girl, I may just break down and cry, smile sadly and then there are times when the 'what-if' questions sets in.
October a month of contradicting emotions. Hope October turns out to be a good month for you. God bless you!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

This and that.....

It has been a long time since I wrote in this blog. Much has happened since the last entry. I am tired and worn out both emotionally and physically. Too much of life's hard knocks and not so much of a good deal has totally left it's toll on me. Still, I am contented with my lot in life.
Why not? My days and nights are filled with a myriad of emotions from the moment my toddler awakes to the time she goes to sleep again. Then there is the time when we as a family huddle under one umbrella on a cold rainswept day, with both Mommy and Daddy getting soaked to the bone and the tyke's all warm and dry, giggling at her folks. Yeah, a couple of drowned rats looked better than us.
I managed to meet up with some very good friends and we had a terrific lunch at one of the seafood joints near Telok Kemang in Port Dickson. I was fortunate enough to see for myself a youth camp being conducted totally in Bahasa Malaysia for the youth of a church from Melaka. It was a real eye opener and I was piqued by the readings of the Gospel done in Malay! Now I cannot wait to get my hands on the Al-Kitab and read for myself the old and new testaments in Malay.
Somedays, I just feel so lazy and tend to skim through my mails. Emails may be fast but nothing beats receiving a hand written letter or card! The feeling of joy one gets when one receives a card or letter from a family member or friend is like walking on a cloud. Now with IMs, MSN messenger, 3G technology, it's a wonder that letters even get sent! A friend's sister broke off her engagement via SMS while another sent an email to his wife asking for a divorce! Humourless and cowardly is the term I used on them!
Ah's like that and this my friends, is REALITY. Forget the lovey dovey scenes that one is likely to get when reading a Mills and Boons or Barbara Cartland book. Chic-lits are the rage. Sadly, I have yet to read a chic-lit book. Give me a good thriller anytime!
Have a good weekend and God bless!