A friend asked me today, 'So how's motherhood? Still think it's great?'. For a moment there I just looked at her and thought she sounded so bloody smug! Yeah, she's still single and has the car, condo, latest handphone, notebook, PDA, etc, etc.....plus a shapely body of a 20 year old (she and I are the same age!) to boot! I was gritting my teeth as she just sat there sipping her tea (too bad it wasn't cynaide!) and proceeded to berate me......"Aiyo woman.....since you got that girl of yours, you've stopped living lah! Look at your hair, so lifeless and out of shape! See those dark rings.....blah....blah.....blah!" All these while my Angel sits quietly in her baby chair staring at this vision of sophistication and then back at me again.
As the so called friend droned on about how I was 'letting myself go to the boon docks', my mind went back to the day a year ago when Angel came into my life. I started comparing my 'drab and boring life, stuck at home with a snotty nosed baby demanding all my time' to the time when life was less demanding of my time, no whiney baby no diapers to change, no headaches or a messy house! Then it hit me so clear in the face that I laughed out loud and told this friend to keep quiet, that I would not trade places with her even if she offered me the world! She looked at me and asked me why even when I could see her incredulous face thinking I must be mad!
I told her that before I had Patricia and Angel I would have agreed with her. But children does change one's life whether we like it or not. I have never been happier changing diapers, wiping her snotty nose or cleaning her vomit off the floor! Life before was so meaningless! Wake up, go to work, go party/clubbing, go home bathe, sleep, day in day out. Weekends was endless rounds at shopping malls, drinking coffee at the happening coffee places, etc.
Needless to say she left the apartment in a huff and icily told me that "I'll call you sometime" to which I brightly responded, "Don't bother, till you learn manners!".......Angel was clapping her hands and waving bye bye like saying, "Get lost! Don't ever come round and talk to my mommy like that ever again!" I could not help feeling happy when I closed (no, I did not slam the door even though I wanted to!) the door in her face! Looks like I will be struck off her Christmas list for good! Who cares! All I need to be happy is right here with me! My baby girl and my husband are loads better than any materialistic thing!
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