Saturday, October 15, 2005

Rainy days

These past few days it's been raining cats and dogs. I am not complaining though. I love the rainy weather. Have you ever noticed how beautiful the dark clouds look when lightning flashes through them? Do you ever see the grounds soak up the rain water, how the rain pools into puddles and then flows back into drains, streams or rivers? Have you ever wondered if the rains never came, how humans and nature would suffer?
Much has been said about the dry spell which had many dams drying up at an alarming rate and some people had to go without water or endure water rationing? It would seem that now the rains are here bringing much relief as well as destruction, these people would stop their grousing.
Do we ever give thanks whether as Christians, Buddhists, Hindus or Muslims for the wonders that God has bestowed on us? We are blessed to have the use of our minds and bodies. Even the handicapped gives thanks each time someone offers to help them. Does it hurt to smile at a total stranger or even your neighbours? Is it because of our apathy that so much crime and destruction of our environment has taken place? Each time a natural disaster strikes, accusations are made that God is cruel. Have we the right to say this? Our apathy has created a huge hole in our ozone layer and the constant cutting down of trees in the name of 'progress' is also one of the reasons for the floods and earthquakes and other natural calamaties. It is Mother Nature's way of fighting back. Do we learn from this? Or does the thought of being 'noble' in raising money just so the world knows what you are doing matter so much? Does it matter how many thousands are sent to reach the victims of disasters in other nations when your own countrymen are suffering?
Charity begins at home. Teach your child to love the other inhabitants of the earth irregardless of skin colour or species. Even the lowliest of animals deserves respect. Decency has since flown out of the windows of most young teenagers these days with the culture that comes from MTV and the pressure to look 'cool'. It pains me to see so many young Malaysians aping the Western culture where foul language and disrespect is encouraged. Gone are the days when sneaking out of the house and getting caught would result in a severe caning! Children these days are threatening to call Social Services and report their parents for abuse and parents just accept the threats as we feel guilty due to our work commitments which has kept us away from home and from our children.
Now I can fully appreciate these words my parents told me when I had sneaked out to go disco dancing those many years ago and was caught, "You will know the pain we feel now at what you have done when you have children of your own." My daughter is only 1 year 3 months plus and already I am worried about what she will turn out to be. I can only hope that I will be able to instill in her the proper values and PRAY!
Dio benedire tu!

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