I remember the times when I was about 5 or 6 years old. At that time my father who was with the police force was stationed in Kulai, Johor and we were living in the police barracks. We were one of the few non-Muslim families living there. My mom was very active in the officers' wives club and being a very good cook and fantastic cake and cookies maker, she was always in great demand come any Chinese, Hindu, Christian or Muslim festivals.
Mom was never one to say no to helping a neighbour in any way that she could. So we knew that come any festivities preparation time, mom would be busy. The ladies club as papa called them was one fun club.
Hari Raya Aidil Fitri saw many invitations for us to attend 'open houses' and ate our way to full and rounded bellies! There were even neighbours who would bring kuih raya over to our house once because I was sick and could not leave the house. Papa was there with me as mom was busy at the OCPD's house helping out.
Deepavali saw again another round of 'open houses' and again we were stuffed! Chinese New Year and Christmas saw mom busy with the cooking in the kitchen and papa helping out with the roasting of the Christmas turkey. This time round, we were the hosts.
These days with the onslaught of apartments and condos being built up and gated communities, open house is no longer a fun thing. In fact, come any festivities, we are greeted with the rush of balik kampung and closed doors. Is this then the price we have to pay for progress? Has the values of days gone by slipped away or are they only practiced in kampungs and small towns?
Whatever the situation, Selamat Hari Raya, Happy Deepavali, Thanksgiving and most of all, happy living. Let's be glad that we are safe and alive.
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