Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Hello everyone. This is going to be one of those kind of blogs! Been thinking about loneliness and how some of us feel isolated, lonely, neglected and even isolated in the company of others. Why did this subject crop up? It all began quite innocently actually.
Last week, a friend called to wish me Happy Birthday (yup! 45 this year and still crazy!) and he sounded a little down. Now, this guy has a successful career, all the material things most human beings work towards to and a beautiful girlfirend. He has stayed single (he's also 45 this year) and thinks that marriage is a trap. When I asked him why he was so depressed, he told me that he found life meaningless these days. Nearly every night he would go out with his friends and at times his girlfriend too and then trudge home to sleep and go through it all over again. Even when he was with his cronies, family or in the midst of a huge crowd, he felt all alone. There were times he felt superficial and a humbug!
I jokingly told him that maybe he needed a break from everything and everyone and go in search of his true self! Didn't know he'd take me literally and scoot over to Rome! He emailed me from there and said that he still felt lonely in the midst of his family there and that he was going to Naples for a bit. Lucky him! He's in Rome and still feels lonely! I wish I could get lonely in Rome too.....an expresso would cheer me up!
At times, I too get this feeling of utter loneliness even when hubby and baby are around me. The feeling gnaws at me until I get so stressed out and just get mad with anyone and everything around me. These days, this feeling is even more frequent and no matter what I do, I just don't know how to get over it.
So anyone else out there with the blues like my friend and me?

1 comment:

  1. Take it from someone who is always alone but never lonely.... ME!!

    The "secret" is to remain busy, busy, busy. Not busy doing the same things, nor busy doing one thing. Rather, busy doing MANY DIFERENT THINGS AT THE SAME TIME (what I call multi-tasking) and having fun and learning while at it!!

    Consider this:
    If we all consciously make one change a day or in a week (cannot undo), we would have transformed ourselves 50+ times in one year. That means, we learn 50+ new things, meet 50+ new friends, do 50+ new activities, go 50+ new places, etc.

    It need not be dramatic or expensive. A simple change in waking up 15 minutes earlier every morning, or taking a different road to go to work or home, or calling someone never spoken for years, or smile to everyone we meet. You will be amazed at the change this will bring to your life.

    My other secret is this:
    Tell yourself you only have 365 days to live in a yaer, of which more than 50% is unproductive time (sleep, rest, idle). Who can tell if tomorrow will ever come?

    Live life to the fullest, 'cos yesterday is gone and tomorrow is too far away!!

