June 1st I had a bad bout of sore throat. Went to the doctor's and was given medication to heal it. Then June 2nd, woke up and still had that bad throat and swallowing was hell. I decided to take the painkiller to ease the pain so that I could eat. Well, after taking the meds, I had a hot milo and took the rest of the meds thinking it was ok. Man! How wrong could one get! I ended up vomitting from morning till night and couldn't keep anything down. Due to my folly, I ended at the Emergency Outpatients Clinic of Assunta Hospital. I was given some jabs to bring down the fever and to ease the nausea. When I went home later that night, all I could manage to swallow was some Nestum which my darling husband was kind enough to make for me. He even took care of our little girl so I could rest. I thought that was the end of my woes but.......on Monday June 18th my sore throat and knee cap pain came back with a vengence!
So darling hubby took me to another doctor and well so far so good. At least the sore throat has eased off. The pain in the knee has subsided somewhat but the right arm still hurts from the last sprain I had. Talk about misery! Sigggggghhhhhhhh! Everything is going 'down south' so to speak! Eyesight dimming! Need specs to see clearly! 46 years old and body's denying me a fun rest of enjoying a simple task of just walking to the 'kedai runcit' or to the mamak for nasi lemak!
Ah well, maybe that's just me only! Have a good life everyone and a good weekend too!
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