Finally! After years of waiting and getting totally fed up, I am going to get my driver's license! Some of you out there reading this may think it ain't a big deal la but when you are slightly handicapped like me (a totally weak left leg and shorter than the right by an inch), you'd know just what I had to go through!
First off the JPJ only accepted a medical report from a goverment hospital no privatised institutions please! Needless to say, there were procedures and after waiting a week just to see the doctor at the appointed hospital, I was told that I had to wait 1 month just to get that blasted report. 1 month????? I waited 47 days! Guess what? The report only consisted of 10 lines handwritten by said doctor! 47 days for 10 lines...go figure!
Then now I have to get a separate insurance coverage to cover the driving lessons and test as car is in hubby's name mah! All in all by the time I get my driver's license, it'd be Chinese New Year 2008!
Aiya! Already waited so long, so what's another few months delay? Have my eyes set on buying a Kembara! No new cars for me at the moment....maybe in 5-6 yearstime lor.....!
Have a great day y'all! To my muslim friends, selamat berpuasa!
Congrates! It's never too late for anything :P