Friday, May 06, 2011


My 50th birthday was a very mixed up one and I totally can see human nature at it's worst and at it's best! 

I spent a lovely afternoon on the eve of my birthday with one of my siblings whom I love dearly. We spent the day traipsing boutiques and finally went to this place in Kota Damansara where I managed to find some very nice clothes that FIT me!We ended up at The Curve and Ikano where my sibling bought me these lovely shirts as a gift for my 50th! We then headed home happily anticipating our evening's activities. If I had known what was going to happen, I would never have asked the question!

At the evening's activity, my sibling and her charge arrived late. I asked another friend to find out where they were supposed to be seated as the seating plans for that rehearsal and the actual function on Saturday evening had been changed. Then when the rehearsals got underway, some thing was not right and I asked one of the people handling the activities about it. All I got out of that situation was the beginning of a nightmare!

I now know what it is like to be persecuted! Due to this incident, my sibling's charge and the other friend stopped talking to me and childish actions started! Sneering looks, cold and angry faces, avoiding and just plain being rude was the order of the day. To make it worst even my sibling is no longer talking to me. It is 2 weeks now since that incident, to say that my heart is heavy and my trust in these individuals is shattered is just an understatement! I have given up on these 2 people who I thought were friends, even went to the extent of  blocking and deleting them from my Facebook account did not deter them from their viciousness. Being Catholic deems that I must forgive any wrongdoing towards me, I have so forgiven but it will take time to get over this insult.

On the bright side, a surprise party was held in Secret Receipe on the night of my birthday after mass! Thank you Larrine Low, Maybelle Dan, Rachel Wan, Carmen Yap, Mary Anne Ooi, Norbert Chan, James Peris, Denis Dunstan and my lovely hubby and daughter Angeline for the wonderful surprise. Thanks also to Joelle and Regina as well for their share in the Thomas Sabo charms bracelet! You guys made my 50th a memorable and happy one!

Thanks also to my god brother Richard Lieu and Jenny his lovely wife for the belated dinner through no fault of theirs and the beautiful jadeite cross and necklace from Yunnan, China. To all my friends near and far, my brother Francis and all who wished me, thank you.

I will live on as I know I should practising  Catholicism and Christian values and just hope for the best in life and never forgetting to thank Christ for all blessings, trials and tribulations too. If this posting has hurt anyone or caused any misunderstanding......too bad! Like the saying goes, whoever eats the chilli, tastes the spiciness!
At least I now know who are loyal and true and who are hypocrites!

Have a great weekend and God bless!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy 50th birthday to me?

What a blessing it is for me to turn 5o come April 2011. I am tickled pink that my 5oth birthday coincides with the Christian solemnity of Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday where Christians all over the world prepare for the biggest days in our Christian calender, Good Friday and Easter! It matters not to me that I have to forgo all celebrations on my actual 50th, I know that the Lord will see me through the final days of Lent.

Joy fills my heart when I think of my darling's imminent baptism on 23 April 2011. I also thank God for all the friends we have made in RCIA 20 as well as all our friends from Alpha, Disciple and church who have been very encouraging and supportive! These first few months of 2011 also saw my niece's children being baptised in The Church of the Assumption.....praise God!

Don't get me wrong, it has not been all roses and sweetness either, I too have my share of the downside and I feel it weighing me down even more in this season of Lent. I have thus far managed to abstain from meat since Ash Wednesday. Thank you Jesus for your guidance and giving me the strength to keep to my fast and abstinence of meat.

I wonder what I will be doing on the day I turn 50? Nothing unusual I guess......same old, same old. Life doesn't stop and no surprise parties either I know for we all have our priorities in life and my priority lies in the comfort and well being of my beloved hubby and daughter. 

So I will just take this 50th as another normal day and live life contented that I made it thus far! So would it be narcissistic of me to say, 'Heck! I look darn good for a 50 year old!' Amen! Hahahahahahahahaha!