Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Valentine's Day........what a surprise it brought me this year! I can still remember the 1st Valentine's Day dinner date I had with my then boyfriend, now husband of 16 years. We had our date 2 weeks late as he had to go back to his hometown on Valentine's Day. We had our dinner at The Ship in Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya on 28th February 1990 and by 14th August of 1990, we were officially registered as husband and wife.
Somehow, through the years, we moved our candlelit dinners to The Cable Car Restaurant in Jaya Supermarket and these days, whatever celebrations we want celebrated are held in Cable Car. Makes things easier I guess for hubby to get me jewelry or books as there is Poh Kong, Popular Book Store, Memory Lane etc.
For the past 2 years eversince hubby's fingers got too fat, the original wedding ring he wore since 1990 got too tight and he took it off and kept it. This action of his had been a source of great annoyance to me and I told him that either he loose weight and put the ring back on or I too would not wear my ring as it had gotten too loose.
We always celebrate Valentine's day either a day early or a day after. This year we celebrated it a day early and as usual had our 'romantic' candlelit dinner at Cable Car. After dinner, hubby suggested we go to Poh Kong as he wanted to get me a piece of jewelry to thank me for his gift, the Neil Diamond's 12 songs album which is not available in Malaysia as yet but I got it through and it arrived on the morning of 13th February. In Poh Kong I couldn't pick out anything I liked as I have the major pieces I wanted so I slyly suggested that the best gift he could get was a new wedding ring set to fit on our fingers. For the 1st time im many, many years my Chinaman became a romantic. Slipping the wedding bands on my finger, he said that it was a renewal of our love and vows.
So who says that after 16 years of marriage, 2 daughters and much aging, romance is dead? Hahahahahahaha! I hope you all had a good Valentine's!

1 comment:

  1. Wah Mary Ann, so romantic. Lucky u. I wish you many many more romantic Valentine to come.....

    Li Li
